Saturday, December 27, 2008

There Once was a Puffin

[ dad taught me this poem and i had it memorized at the age of 2]

oh, there once was a Puffin
just the shape of a muffin and he lived on an island
in the bright blue sea!
He ate little fishes,
that were most delicious, and he had them for supper
and he had them
for tea.

but this poor little Puffin, he couldn't play nothin',
for he hadn't anybody
to play with
at all.
so he sat on his island, and he cried for awhile,
and he felt very lonely,

and he felt
very small.
then along came the fishes,
and they said, "If you wishes,
you can have us
for playmates,
instead of for tea!"
so they now play together, in all sorts of weather
and the Puffin eats pancakes,

like you
and like me.

-Florence Page Jaques

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