Monday, February 9, 2009


i have become fascinated with Tumblr... it's Anna's fault!! so that is my new home now....

come here!


hello there.

some oldddddd photography of mine....
i love seeing the world through the lens of my camera <3

Thursday, February 5, 2009

found on "FFFFOUND"


characterized by a preoccupation with love or by the idealizing of love or one's beloved. imaginary, fictitious, or fabulous.

...this will be me and keith someday :)


[photograher: the 10 cent designer]

is better when it's simple.


[photgrapher: by the wayside]


i'm finishing up a paper.
surprise, surprise!

i'm writing it on "Christian Science Believes..." and then going through their major doctrinal beliefs and refuting them with Scripture. for exa
mple, they say ... that man originated not from dust, materially, but from Spirit, spiritually (Miscellaneous Writings 57) but we read in the Bible that Genesis 2:7 says “the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” and Genesis 3:19 says “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return."

this week we've gotten around, oh, 5-8 inches of snow here in Beckley. yeah, big whoop.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

so far, this weekend has consisted of eating pizza at 10pm last night, talking on the phone with my fiance until midnight when my dear friend Kara arrived from Alabama. this morning we chilled out, played some ping-pong and then ate lunch... then took a walk to the frozen and snow-covered pond before she left with her brother. since then, i've been working on Earth Science and writing a paper on Dichotomy and Trichotomy. Now I'm heading back to my dorm room where I'll work on even more homework before taking a relaxing shower and heading to bed.

i miss summer
and can't wait for spring!

i want a new camera. mine barely works. and the batteries are dead =(


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

in 130 days i will marry my best friend

the past weekend i worked like a woman on a mission.
My mission: Wedding Planning.

Among my many errands, I
  • confirmed bridesmaid dress styles/delivery
  • confirmed tux style/colors and got a fit-by date
  • reserved a block of hotel rooms for the out-of-town guests
  • priced the wedding cake at a bakery
  • bought bubbles and yellow ribbon (to tie on the bottles) for the guests
  • looked over flower choices and got some great ideas
  • narrowed down invitation choices
  • worked on the guest list
Lastly, I organized a huge wedding planning notebook that I'll be keeping all my info for everything from the ceremony details, tux rentals, flowers, and music, to honeymoon directions and our registry.

Now I must put wedding-related stuff out of my mind until next weekend. Or I will never get my homework done.
worshiping in the Congo

[i found this picture in the Jan. 17th issue of World Magazine, taken by Sherrlyn Borkgren]

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

film by Anna

taken Oct. 2008 while we were out climbing one warm afternoon
here, there's snow
it's very pretty and soft and white, but way too cold.

i can't wait for the fresh, warm spring breezes of March and April.

it's Tuesday morning, around 9:40 and i'm eating a bowl of raisin bran (technically a mug of raisin bran), listening to Feist, and getting my books together for class. today i have computer applications (cake!), major cults (intriguing), and earth science (slightly boring-- we're learning about rocks).

bye now!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

с новым годом!
Bonne Année!
Happy New Year!
Ano Novo feliz!

2009 is here
another fresh start
another January 1st
another day of life
a brand new year full of surprises!

I'm so excited about this year! so many wonderful new experiences and events will take place; some i already am planning on and some i have no idea about are gonna happen!
biggest excitement:
my marriage to my best friend!

to ring in the new year and celebrate sisterhood,
next week my sister and i are flying to Florida for a few days of beach sunning, swimming, and exploring :) can't wait!!!