i'm sitting the library at 8:15 on a
thursday night, and *gasp*
i'm NOT doing homework!
today was a good day.
not all of it.
but enough to call it a good day.
i awoke at 7:20am,
tuesdays and
thursdays are my "sleep in" mornings.... i rolled out of bed and in my small dorm room lit by the grey morning light, pulled on a
hoodie and jeans, grabbed some tea bags, and headed to the dining hall for breakfast with my marvelous boyfriend.
after some hot tangerine tea and yogurt and a lazy morning chat with Keith, i hurried back to my room to put together my outfit for the day.
9am class
10am class
11am class
was cancelled!at lunch i made a mini pizza from cheese and peperoni from the salad bar on a soft tortilla.
keith and i ate with my
roommie heather and her boyfriend
brandon, and some other people, including my RA and her boyfriend; a professor; and 2 other students.
before my 12:40 class, i checked the mail-- and found a package from mom and a can of chocolates from the most sensational boyfriend on earth :)
in my 12:40 class, we were discussing "to drink or not to drink, that is the question" concerning cross-cultural relationships. when Dr.K asked for any examples, my hand shot up. i explained about how when i was in France this summer and how my family was offered champagne at
someone's home and that rejecting it would have been a cultural slap-in-the-face, so our family drank the champagne. of course, there were people who didn't agree with me, but who cares. every where you go, people are gonna have different views, even at Bible college--
especially at Bible college.
after classes, i spent a few hours in (surprise!) the library, where i furiously typed away at a 12 page psychology research paper. almost done with it-- 2 pages to go! just gotta find more sources to cite (12 more, to be exact)
leaving the library, my head was throbbing... too much eye strain, i suppose.
i then met
keith in the student lounge where i smoked him in a game of
foosball :)
dinner was special tonight, as it was the Staff-Served Dinner. they served us thick steak, mushroom chicken, buttery potatoes, and steamed veggies. there were dozens of prizes.
but we didn't win anything.
i then had a meeting with my team-teaching group for
PBT class. after that, i went back to my room and
straightened up some while listening to
the afters.
im in the library. getting ready to knit. waiting for
keith to get off work.
i really don't get too excited about the weekend.
keith leaves on
doesn't get back till
sunday night.
i miss him.
it can get lonely.
i don't like lonely.